Nightmare City 2035
In a dystopian future, this 2007 film helmed by Terence H. Winkless delves into a world where technology and human existence are intricately connected, resulting in unexpected outcomes. The story centers on a main character maneuvering through a city beset by disorder and corruption, revealing sinister truths that question their understanding of reality. Although the movie did not garner significant accolades, it boasts captivating performances from its lead actors. For those curious, the film is available for free on Soap2day.
Views: 59
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction
Director: Terence H. Winkless
Actors: Alexis Thorpe, Dessi Morales, Dimo Alexiev, Maxwell Caulfield, Mike McCoy, Robert Blush, Stefan Shterev, Terence H. Winkless, Todd Jensen, Velizar Binev
Country: Bulgaria, United States of America
Company: Camera, L&P Productions