Night Sweats
“Night Sweats,” directed by Andrew Lyman-Clarke, follows a young skateboarder named Yuri who becomes embroiled in a mysterious and dangerous situation when his roommate suddenly falls ill and dies. As Yuri investigates the circumstances surrounding his friend’s death, he uncovers a web of deceit and corporate malfeasance that puts his own life at risk.
Views: 26
Genre: Thriller
Director: Andrew Lyman-Clarke
Actors: Allison Mackie, Bret Lada, Brett Azar, Jason Abrams, John Wesley Shipp, Kyle DeSpiegler, Mary Elaine Ramsey, Trey Gibbons
Country: United States of America
Company: Four Breaths Productions, Time Will Tell Productions, Witness Films
Awards: 1 nomination
Budget: $200,000