Niagara Motel
“Niagara Motel,” directed by Gary Yates, is a dark comedy-drama that weaves together the lives of several down-and-out characters who find themselves at a rundown motel near Niagara Falls. As their stories intersect, the film explores themes of desperation, hope, and the pursuit of redemption amidst life’s challenges.
Views: 49
Genre: Drama
Director: Gary Yates
Actors: Anna Friel, Caroline Dhavernas, Craig Ferguson, Damir Andrei, Harry Nelken, Kevin Pollak, Kristen Holden-Ried, Normand Daneau, Peter Keleghan, Wendy Crewson
Country: Canada, United Kingdom
Company: Aquarius Films, Buffalo Gal Pictures, Indian Grove Productions
Awards: 4 nominations
Budget: $8,000,000