Never Back Down
“Never Back Down,” directed by Jeff Wadlow, follows rebellious teenager Jake Tyler as he navigates a new high school environment where he is introduced to the world of mixed martial arts. As Jake trains under a seasoned mentor, he learns discipline and self-control, ultimately facing his personal and physical challenges head-on.
Views: 120
Director: Jeff Wadlow
Actors: Amber Heard, Cam Gigandet, Djimon Hounsou, Evan Peters, Lauren Leech, Leslie Hope, Nadine Avola, Neil Brown Jr., Sean Faris, Tilky Jones, Wyatt Smith
Country: United States of America
Company: Baumgarten Management and Productions (BMP), Mandalay Independent Pictures, Summit Entertainment
Awards: 1 win
Budget: $20,000,000
Worldwide Gross: $41,627,431
1h 53minRelease: 2008
Release Date: 2008-03-04
IMDb: 6.5
TMDB: 6.8
Rotten Tomatoes: 21%
Metacritic: 39
FilmAffinity: 5.6