Nairobi Half Life
“Nairobi Half Life” follows the journey of Mwas, a young aspiring actor from a rural village in Kenya, who moves to Nairobi in pursuit of his dreams. However, he quickly becomes entangled in the city’s gritty underworld, facing challenges that test his resilience and determination.
Views: 31
Genre: Drama
Director: David 'Tosh' Gitonga
Actors: Abubakar Mwenda, Antony Ndung'u, Johnson Gitau Chege, Joseph Wairimu, Kamau Wa Ndung'u, Mburu Kimani, Mugambi Nthiga, Nancy Wanjiku Karanja, Olwenya Maina, Paul Ogola
Company: Ginger Ink Films, One Fine Day Films
Awards: 15 wins & 9 nominations
Budget: 500,000