Muita Calma Nessa Hora 2
In this 2014 comedy helmed by Felipe Joffily, a trio of friends comes together for a string of amusing and touching escapades. The film showcases a skilled ensemble, with Andréia Horta, Fernanda Souza, and Gianne Albertoni infusing their roles with charisma and humor. As the group embarks on their adventures, the movie delivers an enjoyable mix of comedy and meaningful insights. For those curious, it is available to watch for free on Soap2day.
Views: 33
Genre: Comedy
Director: Felipe Joffily
Actors: Alexandra Richter, Alexandre Nero, Andréia Horta, Bruno Mazzeo, Daniel Filho, Débora Lamm, Fernanda Souza, Gianne Albertoni, Heloísa Périssé, Marcelo Adnet, Marcelo Tas, Maria Clara Gueiros, Nelson Freitas, Paulo Silvino
Country: Brazil
Company: Case Filmes, Downtown, Paris, Globo Filmes
Budget: $1,000,000
Worldwide Gross: $6,682,223