“Mucize,” directed by Mahsun Kirmizigül, is a heartwarming drama set in 1960s Turkey, where a newly appointed teacher is sent to a remote village lacking basic amenities. The film explores themes of hope, perseverance, and transformation as the teacher and the villagers work together to overcome challenges and bring about positive change in their community.
Views: 116
Director: Mahsun Kirmizigül
Actors: Ali Sürmeli, Büşra Pekin, Erdem Yener, Erol Demiröz, Mahsun Kırmızıgül, Meral Çetinkaya, Mert Turak, Metin Yıldız, Talat Bulut, Tansel Öngel
Country: Turkey
Company: Boyut Film
Budget: $5,000,000
Worldwide Gross: $15,584,520
2h 16minRelease: 2015
Release Date: 2015-01-01
IMDb: 7.6
TMDB: 7.2
Rotten Tomatoes: 69%
FilmAffinity: 7.2