Moriyamachu Driving School
Kiyotaka Sato, portrayed by Shuhei Nomura, is a college student who is friendly but seems indifferent to those around him. During his summer break, he decides to obtain a driver’s license to impress his classmate, Matsuda, played by Yukino Kishii. Meanwhile, a yakuza leader, played by Ken Mitsuishi, instructs Todoroki, portrayed by Kento Kaku, to also get a driver’s license. Todoroki is known for not expressing his emotions openly. Eventually, Todoroki drives without a license and accidentally hits Kiyotaka Sato. To conceal the incident, Kiyotaka is placed in a car and taken away, ending up at an unofficial driving school run by the Uehara family. There, both Kiyotaka and Todoroki discover they attended the same high school and spend their summer at the driving school.
Views: 29
Genre: Comedy
Director: Keisuke Toyoshima
Actors: Chuck Johnson, Dankan, Ken Mitsuishi, Kento Kaku, Kumiko Aso, Satoru Jitsunashi, Shuhei Nomura, Takuma Otoo, Toshie Negishi, Yukino Kishii
Country: Japan