“Moor,” directed by Jami, is a poignant drama that explores the impact of modernization on a small railway station in Balochistan, Pakistan, through the eyes of a station master and his family. The film delves into themes of tradition, family ties, and the struggle to preserve one’s identity amidst inevitable change.
Views: 17
Genre: Drama
Director: Jami
Actors: Abdullah Jan, Abdullah Jan Ghaznavi, Ayaz Samoo, Hameed Sheikh, Joshinder Chaggar, Nayyar Ejaz, Samiya Mumtaz, Shaz Khan, Sonya Hussain, Sultan Hussain
Country: Pakistan, United States of America
Company: Azad Film Company, Mandviwalla Entertainment
Awards: 4 wins & 8 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $75,000