Moje córki krowy
“Moje córki krowy,” directed by Kinga Dębska, is a poignant drama that explores the complex relationship between two estranged sisters who are brought together by their parents’ health crises. As they navigate the challenges of caregiving and confront their own personal issues, the sisters rediscover the importance of family and reconciliation.
Views: 41
Director: Kinga Dębska
Actors: Agata Kulesza, Agnieszka Wosińska, Barbara Jonak, Bartosz Żukowski, Gabriela Muskała, Jeremi Protas, Małgorzata Niemirska, Marcin Dorociński, Maria Debska, Marian Dziędziel
Country: Poland
Awards: 5 wins & 9 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $3,097,650