Miss You Already
“Miss You Already,” directed by Catherine Hardwicke, is a heartfelt drama that explores the enduring friendship between two women, Milly and Jess, as they navigate life’s challenges and joys. Their bond is tested when Milly faces a life-altering illness, prompting both women to confront their past and embrace the strength of their connection.
Views: 49
Director: Catherine Hardwicke
Actors: Charlotte Hope, Dominic Cooper, Drew Barrymore, Frances de la Tour, Honor Kneafsey, Jacqueline Bisset, Paddy Considine, Sophie Holland, Toni Collette, Tyson Ritter
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Location HQ, New Sparta Films, S Films
Awards: 1 nomination
Worldwide Gross: $7,573,997
1h 52minRelease: 2015
Release Date: 2015-09-12
IMDb: 6.8
TMDB: 7.4
Rotten Tomatoes: 71%
Metacritic: 59
FilmAffinity: 6.1