Meatballs Part II
“Meatballs Part II,” directed by Ken Wiederhorn, is a comedy that follows the antics at Camp Sasquatch, where a group of misfit campers and counselors face off against a rival military camp. Amidst the chaos, the camp’s quirky inhabitants, including an alien named Meathead, navigate a series of humorous challenges and adventures.
Views: 43
Genre: Comedy
Director: Ken Wiederhorn
Actors: Archie Hahn, Donald Gibb, Felix Silla, Hamilton Camp, Jason Hervey, John Larroquette, Kim Richards, Misty Rowe, Paul Reubens, Richard Mulligan
Country: United States of America
Company: TriStar Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $5,410,972
1h 27minRelease: 1984
Release Date: 1984-07-27
IMDb: 3.8
TMDB: 4.1
Rotten Tomatoes: 24%
Metacritic: 21
FilmAffinity: 3.7