Man of Iron
“Man of Iron,” directed by Andrzej Wajda, is a political drama set in Poland during the Solidarity movement of the early 1980s. The film follows a journalist tasked with discrediting a young labor leader, but as he delves deeper, he becomes increasingly sympathetic to the workers’ cause and their fight for freedom and justice.
Views: 48
Director: Andrzej Wajda
Actors: Andrzej Seweryn, Bogusław Linda, Franciszek Trzeciak, Irena Byrska, Janusz Gajos, Jerzy Radziwiłowicz, Jerzy Trela, Krystyna Janda, Maja Komorowska, Marek Kondrat, Marian Opania, Wiesława Kosmalska
Country: Poland
Company: Zespól Filmowy "X"
Awards: Nominated for 1 Oscar, 6 wins & 4 nominations total
Worldwide Gross: $492,035