“Mama,” directed by Andy Muschietti, follows the story of two young sisters who are discovered in a forest after being missing for five years, having survived under mysterious circumstances. As their uncle and his girlfriend take them in, they soon realize that a supernatural entity, which the girls refer to as “Mama,” has followed them to their new home, leading to chilling and haunting events.
Views: 139
Genre: Fantasy, Horror, Thriller
Director: Andy Muschietti
Actors: Daniel Kash, David Fox, Isabelle Nélisse, Jane Moffat, Javier Botet, Jessica Chastain, Megan Charpentier, Melina Matthews, Morgan McGarry, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau
Country: Canada, Mexico, Spain
Awards: 11 wins & 19 nominations
Budget: $15,000,000
Worldwide Gross: $146,428,180
1h 40minRelease: 2013
Release Date: 2013-01-17
IMDb: 6.2
TMDB: 6.3
Rotten Tomatoes: 64%
Metacritic: 57
FilmAffinity: 5.3