Make Up
“Make Up,” directed by Claire Oakley, is a psychological drama that follows a young woman named Ruth as she visits her boyfriend at a remote holiday park in Cornwall. As she becomes increasingly suspicious of his fidelity, Ruth embarks on a journey of self-discovery, confronting her own identity and desires amidst the eerie and isolating landscape.
Views: 63
Genre: Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Claire Oakley
Actors: Derek Frood, Elodie Wilton, Emilia Copeland, Joseph Quinn, Lisa Palfrey, Maureen Wild, Molly Windsor, Rachel Palmer, Stefanie Martini, Theo Barklem-Biggs
Country: United Kingdom
Company: BBC Film, BBC Films, British Film Institute (BFI), Creative England
Awards: 4 nominations
Budget: 500,000
Worldwide Gross: $32,229
1h 26minRelease: 2020
Release Date: 2020-07-31
IMDb: 5.9
TMDB: 5.8
Rotten Tomatoes: 98%
Metacritic: 81
FilmAffinity: 5.8