Lupin the Third Jigens Gravestone
In “Lupin the Third: Jigen’s Gravestone,” directed by Takeshi Koike, master thief Lupin III and his sharpshooter partner Daisuke Jigen find themselves targeted by a formidable assassin named Yael Okuzaki, who is known for preparing gravestones for his targets before eliminating them. As they navigate a perilous game of cat and mouse, Lupin and Jigen must outwit their relentless pursuer while uncovering a deeper conspiracy that threatens their lives.
Views: 36
Genre: Action, Adventure, Animation, Crime, Drama
Director: Takeshi Koike
Actors: Aki Nagao, Akio Hirose, Atsuo Hasegawa, Binbin Takaoka, Kanichi Kurita, Kanji Obana, Kiyoshi Kobayashi, Koichi Yamadera, Marika Minase, Miyuki Sawashiro
Country: Japan
Company: Telecom Animation Film Company
Awards: 2 nominations