“Luokkakokous,” directed by Taneli Mustonen, is a Finnish comedy that follows three middle-aged friends who reunite for a high school class reunion. As they embark on a road trip to attend the event, they encounter a series of humorous and chaotic situations that test their friendship and lead to unexpected self-discoveries.
Views: 32
Genre: Comedy
Director: Taneli Mustonen
Actors: Aku Hirviniemi, Anna-Maija Tuokko, Helena Vierikko, Inka Kallén, Jaajo Linnonmaa, Lauri Tilkanen, Lotta Kaihua, Niina Lahtinen, Sami Hedberg, Satu Silvo
Country: Finland
Company: Solar Films
Awards: 1 win
Budget: 1,280,000