“Lucas,” directed by David Seltzer, is a coming-of-age film that follows a socially awkward but intelligent 14-year-old boy named Lucas, who navigates the challenges of adolescence, friendship, and unrequited love. As he tries to fit in with his peers and win the affection of a girl named Maggie, Lucas learns valuable lessons about self-acceptance and the complexities of growing up.
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Director: David Seltzer
Actors: Charlie Sheen, Corey Haim, Courtney Thorne-Smith, Emily Seltzer, Guy Boyd, Jeremy Piven, Kerri Green, Kevin Wixted, Tom Hodges, Winona Ryder
Country: United States of America
Company: Lawrence Gordon Productions, Twentieth Century Fox
Awards: 3 nominations
Budget: $6,000,000
Worldwide Gross: $8,200,000
1h 40minRelease: 1986
Release Date: 1986-03-28
IMDb: 6.9
TMDB: 6.6
Rotten Tomatoes: 73%
Metacritic: 75
FilmAffinity: 5.5