Love’s Whirlpool
“Love’s Whirlpool,” directed by Daisuke Miura, explores the complex emotional and physical dynamics among a group of strangers who gather at a high-end, anonymous sex club in Tokyo. As the night unfolds, the characters reveal their vulnerabilities and desires, leading to unexpected connections and introspection.
Views: 48
Director: Daisuke Miura
Actors: Eriko Nakamura, Hirofumi Arai, Kenichi Takitoh, Muck Akazawa, Mugi Kadowaki, Ryusuke Komakine, Sosuke Ikematsu, Tokio Emoto, Yoko Mitsuya, You Nobue
Country: Japan
Company: Groundbreaker, The Klockworx, Toei Video Company
Awards: 4 wins
Worldwide Gross: $37,622