Lost at Christmas
In the secluded Scottish town of Fort William on Christmas Eve, Jen and Rob’s lives are unexpectedly disrupted. Both find themselves newly single, heartbroken, and stuck, so they decide to join forces to travel the 100 miles back home to their families. They “borrow” Jen’s ex-boyfriend’s vintage car to start their journey, but soon the weather deteriorates, compelling them to proceed on foot.
Views: 40
Director: Ryan Hendrick
Actors: Alasdair McCrone, Alexander Teunion, Caitlin Blackwood, Clare Grogan, Frazer Hines, Karen Bartke, Kenny Boyle, Natalie Clarke, Sanjeev Kohli, Sylvester McCoy
Country: United Kingdom
Company: CutMustard TV, Magic Monkey Films, Moonglass
Budget: 100,000
Worldwide Gross: $5,262