Lista de espera
“Lista de espera,” directed by Juan Carlos Tabío, is a Cuban film that explores the lives of passengers stranded at a rural bus station due to a lack of transportation. As they wait, the diverse group of characters forms a micro-community, sharing dreams and aspirations while confronting the realities of their situation.
Views: 35
Director: Juan Carlos Tabío
Actors: Alina Rodríguez, Antonio Valero, Hiran Vega, Jorge Alí Pérez, Jorge Perugorría, Mijail Mulkay, Noel García, Saturnino García, Tahimí Alvariño, Vladimir Cruz
Country: Cuba, France, Germany, Mexico, Spain
Company: Canal+, DMVB Films, L.C.J Editions & Productions
Awards: 3 wins & 4 nominations