Life During Wartime
“Life During Wartime,” directed by Todd Solondz, is a dark comedy-drama that explores the complex and intertwined lives of three sisters dealing with the fallout of past relationships and family secrets. Set against the backdrop of a post-9/11 America, the film delves into themes of forgiveness, identity, and the haunting nature of unresolved issues.
Views: 50
Director: Todd Solondz
Actors: Allison Janney, Ally Sheedy, Charlotte Rampling, Ciarán Hinds, Dylan Riley Snyder, Michael Kenneth Williams, Michael Lerner, Paul Reubens, Renée Taylor, Shirley Henderson
Country: United States of America
Company: Werc Werk Works
Awards: 3 wins & 9 nominations
Budget: $4,500,000
Worldwide Gross: $807,162
1h 38minRelease: 2010
Release Date: 2010-04-16
IMDb: 6.4
TMDB: 6.1
Rotten Tomatoes: 68%
Metacritic: 69
FilmAffinity: 6.1