L!fe Happens
“L!fe Happens,” directed by Kat Coiro, is a comedy that follows the lives of two best friends, Kim and Deena, whose carefree lifestyle is upended when Kim unexpectedly becomes a single mother. As they navigate the challenges of adulthood, friendship, and romance, the film explores how they adapt to the changes and find humor in the chaos of their new reality.
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Director: Kat Coiro
Actors: Andrea Savage, Fallon Goodson, Geoff Stults, Jason Biggs, Justin Kirk, Kate Bosworth, Kristen Johnston, Krysten Ritter, Rachel Bilson, Rhys Coiro, Seymour Cassel
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Dot Dot Dot Productions, Stardust Pictures
Budget: $930,000
Worldwide Gross: $48,041
1h 40minRelease: 2011
Release Date: 2011-06-18
IMDb: 5.6
TMDB: 5.5
Rotten Tomatoes: 26%
Metacritic: 44
FilmAffinity: 4.4