Lezione 21
“Lezione 21,” directed by Alessandro Baricco, explores the enigmatic and transformative power of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony through the eyes of a maverick professor who challenges conventional perceptions of the masterpiece. The film weaves together a tapestry of narratives, blending historical insights with personal reflections, to unravel the profound impact of art on human experience.
Views: 46
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, History
Director: Alessandro Baricco
Actors: Andy Gathergood, Clive Riche, Clive Russell, John Hurt, Leonor Watling, Matthew T. Reynolds, Natalia Tena, Noah Taylor, Rasmus Hardiker, Tim Barlow
Country: Italy, United Kingdom
Company: Fandango, Potboiler Productions, Rai Cinema
Awards: 4 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $338,622