LEGO Star Wars Terrifying Tales
In “LEGO Star Wars Terrifying Tales,” directed by Ken Cunningham, Poe Dameron and BB-8 make an emergency landing on the volcanic planet Mustafar, where they encounter the greedy and conniving Graballa the Hutt. As they explore Darth Vader’s castle, they are regaled with three spooky stories that delve into the dark side of the Star Wars universe, blending humor and horror in a family-friendly adventure.
Views: 69
Genre: Action, Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family, Horror, Science Fiction
Director: Ken Cunningham
Actors: Christian Slater, Dana Snyder, Eric Bauza, Jake Green, Mary Elizabeth McGlynn, Matt Sloan, Raphael Alejandro, Shelby Young, Tony Hale, Trevor Devall
Country: United States of America
Company: Atomic Cartoons, Lucasfilm, Lucasfilm Animation
Awards: 2 nominations
44minRelease: 2021
Release Date: 2021-10-01
IMDb: 6.1
TMDB: 6.8
Rotten Tomatoes: 100%
Metacritic: 7.3
FilmAffinity: 5.5