“L’Avventura,” directed by Michelangelo Antonioni, follows a group of wealthy friends on a yachting trip to a remote island, where one of the women mysteriously disappears. As the search for her unfolds, the film delves into themes of existential ennui and the complexities of human relationships, highlighting the emotional detachment and moral ambiguity of its characters.
Views: 39
Genre: Drama, Mystery, Romance
Director: Michelangelo Antonioni
Actors: Dominique Blanchar, Dorothy De Poliolo, Esmeralda Ruspoli, Gabriele Ferzetti, Giovanni Petrucci, James Addams, Lea Massari, Lelio Luttazzi, Monica Vitti, Renzo Ricci
Company: Cino del Duca, Produzioni Cinematografiche Europee (P.C.E.), Societé Cinématographique Lyre
Awards: Nominated for 2 BAFTA 6 wins & 12 nominations total
Worldwide Gross: $2,606
2h 24minRelease: 1960
Release Date: 1960-09-14
IMDb: 7.7
TMDB: 7.5
Rotten Tomatoes: 94%
FilmAffinity: 7.6