Lang historie kort
“Lang historie kort,” directed by May el-Toukhy, is a Danish drama that intricately weaves the lives of a group of friends over the course of several years, capturing their personal growth, relationships, and the complexities of love and friendship. Through a series of gatherings and celebrations, the film explores the evolving dynamics and emotional landscapes of its characters, offering a poignant reflection on the passage of time and the enduring bonds that connect them.
Views: 59
Director: May el-Toukhy
Actors: Danica Curcic, Dya Josefine Hauch, Janus Nabil Bakrawi, Jens Albinus, Marijana Jankovic, Mille Lehfeldt, Norma Omega Mengers Andersen, Ola Rapace, Peter Gantzler, Trine Dyrholm
Country: Denmark
Company: Miso Film
Awards: 3 wins & 7 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $248,355