La partida
“La partida,” directed by Antonio Hens, is a poignant drama set in Havana, focusing on the lives of two young men, Reinier and Yosvani, who navigate the complexities of love, friendship, and survival amidst economic hardship. As they grapple with societal expectations and personal desires, their relationship is tested, revealing the challenges of pursuing happiness in a world filled with obstacles.
Views: 23
Director: Antonio Hens
Actors: Antonio Alonso Ramírez, Beatriz Méndez, Carlos Enrique Almirante, Ernesto Fidel del Cañal, Jenifer Rodríguez, Milton García, Mirta Ibarra, Reinier Díaz, Toni Cantó
Company: Doce Gatos, El Azar, Malas Compañías
Awards: 1 nomination
Budget: 183,409
Worldwide Gross: $17,647
1h 34minRelease: 2013
Release Date: 2013-05-04
IMDb: 6.7
TMDB: 7.2
Rotten Tomatoes: 51%
FilmAffinity: 6.1