“L.DK,” directed by Taisuke Kawamura, is a romantic drama that follows the story of Aoi Nishimori, a high school girl who ends up living with her school’s most popular boy, Shusei Kugayama, due to unexpected circumstances. As they navigate their unconventional living arrangement, they face challenges and develop a deeper understanding of each other, leading to unexpected romantic developments.
Views: 48
Director: Taisuke Kawamura
Actors: Akiyoshi Nakao, Anna Ishibashi, Ayame Gouriki, Kento Yamazaki, Miho Shiraishi, Rei Okamoto, Reiko Takashima, Renn Kiriyama, Seiji Fukushi, Takashi Fujii
Country: Japan
Company: Kinoshita Komuten, Toei Company, TV Asahi
Budget: 200,000,000
Worldwide Gross: $3,758,081