“Kodachrome,” directed by Mark Raso, follows the journey of a struggling record label executive, Matt, who embarks on a road trip with his estranged, terminally ill father, Ben, and his father’s nurse, Zooey. Their mission is to develop Ben’s last rolls of Kodachrome film at the final remaining lab before it closes, leading to a poignant exploration of reconciliation and the importance of capturing memories.
Views: 79
Director: Mark Raso
Actors: Bill Lake, Bruce Greenwood, Dennis Haysbert, Ed Harris, Elizabeth Olsen, Gethin Anthony, Jason Sudeikis, Rob Stewart, Vladimir Jon Cubrt, Wendy Crewson
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: 21 Laps Entertainment, Gotham Group, Motion Picture Capital
Worldwide Gross: $70,149
1h 45minRelease: 2017
Release Date: 2017-09-08
IMDb: 6.8
TMDB: 6.8
Rotten Tomatoes: 72%
Metacritic: 57
FilmAffinity: 6.0