Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door
“Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door,” directed by Thomas Jahn, follows two terminally ill patients, Martin and Rudi, who escape from a hospital after discovering they both have only a short time to live. Determined to see the ocean before they die, the duo embarks on a wild and humorous road trip, inadvertently becoming involved in a series of criminal escapades.
Views: 42
Director: Thomas Jahn
Actors: Christiane Paul, Cornelia Froboess, Huub Stapel, Jan Josef Liefers, Leonard Lansink, Moritz Bleibtreu, Ralph Herforth, Rutger Hauer, Thierry van Werveke, Til Schweiger
Country: Belgium, Germany, Netherlands
Company: Buena Vista International Film Production (Germany), Mr. Brown Entertainment
Awards: 8 wins & 3 nominations
Budget: 4,300,000
Worldwide Gross: $214,139