Kiss or Kill
“Kiss or Kill,” directed by Bill Bennett, is a tense Australian thriller that follows two young lovers, Nikki and Al, who find themselves on the run after a blackmail scheme goes awry. As they evade both the law and a mysterious pursuer, their trust in each other is tested, leading to a gripping exploration of love, betrayal, and survival.
Views: 39
Director: Bill Bennett
Actors: Andrew S. Gilbert, Barry Langrishe, Chris Haywood, Eliza Lovell, Frances O'Connor, Geoff Revell, Julie Sobotta, Matt Day, Syd Brisbane, Tiffany Peters
Country: Australia
Company: Australian Film Finance Corporation (AFFC), Bill Bennett Productions
Awards: 12 wins & 11 nominations
Budget: $2,000,000
Worldwide Gross: $801,728