King of Boys
“King of Boys,” directed by Kemi Adetiba, is a gripping political thriller that follows the story of Eniola Salami, a powerful businesswoman and philanthropist whose political ambitions and underworld connections lead her into a dangerous power struggle. As she navigates the treacherous waters of Nigerian politics, Eniola must confront her past and make difficult choices to maintain her influence and protect her legacy.
Views: 48
Director: Kemi Adetiba
Actors: Ademola Adedoyin, Adesua Etomi, IllBliss, Jide Kosoko, Paul Sambo, Remilekun Reminisce Safaru, Sani Mu'azu, Sharon Ooja, Sola Sobowale, Toni Tones
Country: Nigeria
Company: Kemi Adetiba Visuals
Awards: 4 wins & 11 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $34,711