King Dave
“King Dave,” directed by Daniel Grou, is a gripping drama that follows the tumultuous life of Dave, a young man whose impulsive decisions and volatile temperament lead him through a night of escalating chaos. The film is presented in a continuous single take, immersing the audience in Dave’s raw and unfiltered journey through love, violence, and self-discovery.
Views: 49
Director: Daniel Grou
Actors: Alexandre Goyette, Jade-Mariuka Robitaille, Jean-François Beaupré, Jhonattan Ardila, Karelle Tremblay, Marie-Lyne Joncas, Mathieu Baron, Moe Jeudy-Lamour, Mylène St-Sauveur, Sabrina Baribeau
Country: Canada
Company: Go Films
Awards: 2 wins & 2 nominations