Kill Game
In the fictional town of Grace Arbor, clarity is elusive. Who hides behind the mask? “PRANK” follows a clique of high school students who entertain themselves by playing tricks on unsuspecting peers and teachers. These students are popular, attractive, and deemed most likely to succeed. However, beneath their privileged exterior lies a vein of cruelty and superficiality. One evening, a prank takes a tragic turn, resulting in a teenager’s death. The group conceals the incident as a drowning accident, but five years later, their world is shattered when Jimmy Edwards is murdered by a serial killer donning a chilling Marilyn Monroe mask. As the former pranksters are picked off one by one in ways that echo their past misdeeds, questions arise: Is this retribution? Is it fate?
Views: 28
Director: Robert Mearns
Actors: Brian Christensen, Joe Adler, Laura Ashley Samuels, Michael Galante, Mouzam Makkar, Patricia Urbonas Clark, Pierson Fode, Ryan Carr, Sari Sanchez
Country: United States of America
Company: Full Throttle Pictures
Budget: $5,000,000