Kill Em All
In “Kill Em All,” directed by Peter Malota, a mysterious stranger arrives at a local hospital on the brink of death after a massive shootout. As an international criminal syndicate closes in to finish the job, a nurse becomes entangled in the chaos, leading to a high-stakes battle for survival and uncovering hidden truths.
Views: 67
Director: Peter Malota
Actors: Autumn Reeser, Daniel Bernhardt, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Kieran Gallagher, Kris Van Damme, María Conchita Alonso, Mila Kalađurđević, Paul Sampson, Peter Organ, Peter Stormare
Country: United States of America
Company: Arramis Films, Destination Films, ITN Films
Budget: $4,000,000
1h 36minRelease: 2017
Release Date: 2017-06-06
IMDb: 4.3
TMDB: 5.6
Rotten Tomatoes: 15%
FilmAffinity: 4.0