Kid Kulafu
“Kid Kulafu,” directed by Paul Soriano, is a biographical drama that explores the early life of Filipino boxing legend Manny Pacquiao. The film delves into his humble beginnings, showcasing the challenges and adversities he faced on his journey to becoming one of the most celebrated boxers in the world.
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Genre: Biography, Documentary, Drama, Sport
Director: Paul Soriano
Actors: Alessandra de Rossi, Alex Vincent Medina, Amante Pulido, Buboy Villar, Igi Boy Flores, Jak Roberto, Jake Macapagal, Jomari Angeles, Khalil Ramos, Kokoy de Santos
Country: Hong Kong, Philippines, United Kingdom
Company: ABS-CBN Film Productions, Esther 4:14, Ten17P
Awards: 2 wins & 10 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $131