Kaufman’s Game
“Kaufman’s Game” centers on Stanley, a jobless youth with a fervor for boxing, eager to enhance his physical prowess. His life takes a turn when a mysterious figure offers him a unique steroid outside the gym, leading him into the increasingly brutal activities of a formidable organization. Unknowingly, Stanley becomes part of a sequence of challenges meant to test his resolve. The film explores themes of power, determination, and self-sabotage, drawing inspiration from the classic Film Noir archetypes and the enigmatic, conspiratorial narratives of Franz Kafka, all while embracing a modern minimalist style.
Views: 47
Director: Helier Bissell-Thomas
Actors: Amy Pemberton, Jo Diamond, Jonny Lessani, Jye Frasca, Rupert Shelbourne, Ruperth Shelbourne, Toby Osmond, Tor Andreas Fagerland
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Animus Pictures, Ellipsis, Ellipsis Films
Worldwide Gross: $24,694