“Junun,” directed by Paul Thomas Anderson, is a documentary that captures the collaboration between Israeli musician Shye Ben Tzur, Radiohead’s Jonny Greenwood, and a group of Indian musicians known as the Rajasthan Express. Set in the majestic Mehrangarh Fort in Rajasthan, India, the film explores the fusion of diverse musical traditions and the creative process behind their album recording.
Views: 32
Genre: Documentary, Music
Director: Paul Thomas Anderson
Actors: Aamir Bhiyani, Ajaj Damami, Ehtisham Khan Ajmeri, Gufran Ali, Jonny Greenwood, Nigel Godrich, Sabir Bamami, Shazib Ali, Shye Ben Tzur, Soheb Bhiyani
Country: United States of America
Company: Ghoulardi Film Company
Awards: 1 nomination
54minRelease: 2015
Release Date: 2015-10-08
IMDb: 7.3
TMDB: 7.2
Rotten Tomatoes: 100%
Metacritic: 78
FilmAffinity: 6.6