In “Junkbucket,” a group of young adults heads to Lake Pakajanomo for a weekend filled with partying, including indulgence in alcohol, drugs, and intimate encounters. However, lurking in the forest is a menacing creature with a bucket for a head, intent on murdering them and collecting their private parts, compensating for his own loss inflicted by his mother during childhood. This dark comedy is not for the faint-hearted and promises to deliver a frightful experience that will leave you on edge!
Views: 20
Director: Stephen Lange
Actors: Alia Grandpre, Annette Auger, Brian Kirk, Celene “Leeni” Ramadan, Conor McNassar, Erin Stewart, Jessica Aceti, Scott Baxter, Stephen Lange, Troy Lund
Country: United States of America
Company: Beta Society
Budget: $1,400