Jumping Ship
“Jumping Ship,” directed by Michael Lange, follows the adventurous journey of two cousins, Michael and Tommy, who plan a luxurious vacation on a yacht but end up on a dilapidated fishing boat. Their trip takes an unexpected turn when they are pursued by modern-day pirates, forcing them to rely on their wits and newfound friendships to survive.
Views: 62
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Family
Director: Michael Lange
Actors: Andrew Lawrence, Anthony Brandon Wong, Carly Movizio, Jaime Passier-Armstrong, Joey Lawrence, Martin Dingle-Wall, Matthew Lawrence, Stephen Burleigh, Stephen Collins, Susan Walters, Todd William Worden
Country: Australia, United States of America
Company: Disney Channel
1h 33minRelease: 2001
Release Date: 2001-08-17
IMDb: 6
TMDB: 6.5
Rotten Tomatoes: 61%
FilmAffinity: 3.8