Johnny Cash: American Rebel
“Johnny Cash: American Rebel” is a documentary that revolves around 12 pivotal songs by Johnny Cash, spanning four decades. These tracks, such as “Folsom Prison Blues,” “Jackson,” “San Quentin,” “Man in Black,” “Sunday Morning Coming Down,” “Ring of Fire,” and “Hurt,” encapsulate his fervor, musical talent, and messages opposing war, injustice, racism, and prejudice. Each song represents a chapter in Cash’s life and reflects the evolving landscape of America from the 1950s to the present. The film weaves together interviews, archival concert footage, photographs, and personal items from the Cash family to tell this story.
Views: 45
Genre: Biography, Documentary, Music
Director: Derik Murray, Jordan Tappis
Actors: John Carter Cash, John Mellencamp, Johnny Cash, June Carter Cash, Kid Rock, Kris Kristofferson, Merle Haggard, Rick Rubin, Sheryl Crow, Willie Nelson
Country: Canada
Company: Network Entertainment
Awards: 1 win & 3 nominations