Jett Jackson: The Movie
In “Jett Jackson: The Movie,” the titular character, a teenage actor who plays a secret agent on a popular TV show, finds himself in a real-life adventure when a stunt goes wrong, and he switches places with his on-screen alter ego, Silverstone. As Jett navigates the challenges of living in Silverstone’s world, he must find a way back to his own reality while learning valuable lessons about identity and responsibility.
Views: 45
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Family, Science Fiction
Director: Shawn Levy
Actors: Dan Petronijevic, Gordon Greene, Kerry Duff, Lee Thompson Young, Lindy Booth, Melanie Nicholls-King, Michael Ironside, Montrose Hagins, Nigel Shawn Williams, Ryan Sommers Baum
Country: Canada
Company: AAC Kids, Alliance Atlantis Communications, Children's Label
Awards: 1 win & 4 nominations