Jerry & Marge Go Large
“Jerry & Marge Go Large,” directed by David Frankel, is a comedy-drama inspired by the true story of a retired couple who discover a mathematical loophole in the lottery. Using their newfound strategy, they win millions and use the money to revive their small town, bringing joy and prosperity to their community.
Views: 130
Genre: Biography, Comedy, Drama
Director: David Frankel
Actors: Ana Cruz Kayne, Ana Kayne, Ann Harada, Anna Camp, Annette Bening, Bryan Cranston, Cheech Manohar, Devyn McDowell, Jake McDorman, Larry Wilmore, Lindsay Rootare, Michael McKean, Rainn Wilson, Uly Schlesinger
Country: United States of America
Company: Landline Pictures, Levantine Films, Lightnin' Production Rentals
Awards: 1 nomination
1h 36minRelease: 2022
Release Date: 2022-10-20
IMDb: 6.9
TMDB: 7.4
Rotten Tomatoes: 67%
Metacritic: 52
FilmAffinity: 5.9