Chan-young, a budding journalist, is dispatched to explore a village rumored to be under demonic influence. The events occurring there have been so bizarre and frightening that local shamans and spiritual leaders have abandoned their efforts and left the area. However, upon her arrival, Chan-young finds that a group of supernaturally gifted heroes has gathered to cleanse the village of its malevolent presence. This team features Mr. PARK, an exorcist; Shi-min, a monk; Wol-gwang, a clairvoyant; Seung-hee, a tarot expert; and Seok-hyeon, an engineer. Chan-young shadows these heroes as they gear up for a monumental confrontation with the village’s dark forces.
Views: 36
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Mystery
Director: Jeong-won Shin
Actors: Go Seo-hee, Kang Ye-won, Kim Soo-ro, Kim Tae-hun, Kim Yoon-hye, Kwak Do-won, Lee Byung-joon, Lee Je-hoon, Lee Jun-hyeok, Yang Kyung-mo, Ye-won Kang
Country: South Korea
Worldwide Gross: $5,931,660