Jamaican Mafia
“Jamaican Gangsters” is a gripping film that delves into the gritty underworld of crime in Jamaica. It explores the lives of individuals entangled in the dangerous and complex world of organized crime, highlighting their struggles, ambitions, and the harsh realities they face. The movie paints a vivid picture of the challenges and moral dilemmas encountered by those living on the edge of society.
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Director: Vafomba Donzo
Actors: Dale Foti, David Squeeze Annakie, Glamour Wayne, James Rose, Michelle D'Angel Downer, Mykal Fax, Orville Matherson, Paul Campbell, Robert Braxton, Stokley Thrilla Brown
Country: United States of America
Company: Donzo Productions, JAmerican Productions, Kingston 11 Films
Budget: $1,000,000