Jackass: The Movie
“Jackass: The Movie,” directed by Jeff Tremaine, is a feature-length adaptation of the popular MTV series, showcasing a series of outrageous and often dangerous stunts performed by Johnny Knoxville and his team of daredevils. The film combines slapstick humor with shock value, as the cast pushes the limits of physical comedy and personal safety for the audience’s entertainment.
Views: 88
Genre: Action, Comedy, Documentary
Director: Jeff Tremaine
Actors: Bam Margera, Brandon DiCamillo, Chris Pontius, Dave England, Ehren McGhehey, Jason 'Wee Man' Acuña, Jason Acuña, Johnny Knoxville, Preston Lacy, Ryan Dunn, Steve-O
Country: United States of America
Company: Dickhouse Productions, MTV Films, Paramount Pictures
Awards: 1 win & 7 nominations
Budget: $5,000,000
Worldwide Gross: $79,493,831
1h 25minRelease: 2002
Release Date: 2002-10-25
IMDb: 6.6
TMDB: 6.3
Rotten Tomatoes: 49%
Metacritic: 42
FilmAffinity: 5.0