Irreconcilable Differences
“Irreconcilable Differences,” directed by Charles Shyer, is a comedy-drama that explores the tumultuous relationship between a married couple, Albert and Lucy, whose personal and professional lives become increasingly strained, leading their young daughter, Casey, to take drastic legal action to emancipate herself from them. The film delves into themes of love, ambition, and the impact of parental conflict on children, all wrapped in a humorous yet poignant narrative.
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Director: Charles Shyer
Actors: Allen Garfield, David Graf, David Paymer, Drew Barrymore, Hortensia Colorado, Jenny Gago, Ken Gale, Kim Marriner, Ryan O'Neal, Sam Wanamaker, Sharon Stone, Shelley Long, Wendy Gordon
Country: United States of America
Company: Hemdale, Lantana, Warner Bros.
Awards: 3 nominations
Budget: $6,000,000
Worldwide Gross: $12,414,210
1h 53minRelease: 1984
Release Date: 1984-09-28
IMDb: 5.8
TMDB: 5.6
Rotten Tomatoes: 60%
Metacritic: 52
FilmAffinity: 5.1