Akira, a teacher hailing from Tokyo, has recently moved to a quaint rural village to start his new teaching position. Shortly after his arrival, he encounters Miki, a papermaker who belongs to an eccentric and extensive family, and he starts developing feelings for her. Initially dismissing the local lore about the family being cursed by the Inugami, or Dog God, as mere superstition, Akira’s skepticism is challenged when a string of unexplained deaths unsettles the community. This forces him to face the reality surrounding Miki and her family’s mysterious past.
Views: 71
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Romance, Thriller
Director: Masato Harada
Actors: Atsuro Watabe, Eugene Harada, Kanako Fukaura, Kazuhiro Yamaji, Kenichi Yajima, Makoto Togashi, Masato Irie, Shiho Fujimura, Shion Machida, Yuki Amami
Country: Japan
Company: Asmik Ace Entertainment, Inugami Production Group
Awards: 6 wins & 2 nominations