In Her Shoes
“In Her Shoes,” directed by Curtis Hanson, is a heartfelt drama that explores the complex relationship between two estranged sisters, Maggie and Rose, who are brought together by a family secret and their shared love for their grandmother. As they navigate their personal struggles and differences, they ultimately discover the importance of family, forgiveness, and self-acceptance.
Views: 31
Director: Curtis Hanson
Actors: Anson Mount, Brooke Smith, Cameron Diaz, Candice Azzara, Francine Beers, Ken Howard, Mark Feuerstein, Richard Burgi, Shirley MacLaine, Toni Collette
Country: Germany, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Deuce Three Productions, Fox 2000 Pictures, Scott Free Productions
Awards: 1 win & 7 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $83,697,473
2h 10minRelease: 2005
Release Date: 2005-10-07
IMDb: 6.5
TMDB: 6.2
Rotten Tomatoes: 74%
Metacritic: 60
FilmAffinity: 5.4